Eight Techniques to Enhance Your LinkedIn Company Page

Enhance Your LinkedIn Company Page

Enhance Your LinkedIn Company Page

1. Expand your follower base.

Part of that trust component is the number of followers your company page boasts. Ads from companies with less than 500–1,000 followers have less impact than those from companies with 1,000+ followers. Usually, your advertisement displays your company name and the follower count of the company page when it shows on the feed.

Though you do not need tens of thousands of followers, having more than 500, or ideally more than a thousand could truly help

Inviting 100–250 of your contacts monthly to follow your company page is the easiest approach. Using that regularly for a few months will have 500–1000 people following your company page.

Home page

2. Content on your company page

Looking at a company page, your first impressions are of their follower count, staff count, and featured content. It also displays material featuring company-related individuals, including staff members. Publishing material for your company page is therefore absolutely essential.

Although that’s all you have, uploading a dozen items on your company page is a simple approach to publish content—better than nothing. Even if you have no idea how you would publish fresh weekly materials.

Another advice regarding content is that you can pin a post, so determining the first post someone views from your company page. If you just publish material, the new content stays up while the older stuff gets buried. The issue with that is that company page posts receive few likes or comments, or shares and the material is always fresh.

So I would advise pinning any one post that was particularly well-received. Visitors thus view your best-performing piece of content rather than whatever is fresh and devoid of likes or comments.

Ideally, that post should be something that provides third-party validation, like an expert interview or a podcast host spot or expert guide, something that got some traction that actually also positions you as an expert because they feel like they’re doing research. 

Create Company Page

3. Post frequent employee content

Publishing regular staff content comes in as the third tip. Trust can be strengthened if you have staff members active on LinkedIn. For instance, LinkedIn has labeled Trending Co-Worker Content on our company page, which features material from staff members that have gained some popularity.

That enhances the credibility and confidence your company page inspires. People will notice your X number of followers, company page materials, and that you also have LinkedIn-active company employees. This seems to be a more respectable company and more legal.

4. Leverage your employee count

You also have work on your employee count. Though there are many businesses that do not even encourage their staff to update their profiles, it is not something that one can manipulate.

To be claimed as an employer, I advise you to urge your staff members to update their profiles. On their profiles, you should also urge contractors to follow suit. They particularly enjoy it since a strong brand helps them to establish credibility and trust. 

5. Optimize your “About” section

The “About” part will help you to add some personality and briefly relate the history of your business.

For Impactable, we discussed our journey from a scrappy startup out of Upwork into a real agency and subsequently through acquisition. It’s like showcasing our company’s uniqueness using that space as a landing page instead of merely pushing our goods

6. Show the ads you’re running in your 

LinkedIn advertising tab

Any company’s running LinkedIn ads can be seen here. That provides a measure of their paid ads dedication and size. For instance, I see a company that has never run any LinkedIn ads as less developed or less reputable.

Go to the Posts tab on your company page, then choose “Ads,” then really review their ad collection to see whether any are running at all.

7. Show positive company growth on your Insights tab

Those having premium Linkedin accounts can view the Insights tab, which displays staff development over time.

It can, however, also exhibit negative growth. For instance, if you experience several layoffs and find that your staff is 20% smaller, this indicates either team development or decline.

8. Show off your job posts

I see a chance for trust-building right in the job section. Companies with no openings or very few openings could be seen as smaller, while companies with a dozen actively or passively looking to fill look more respectable. 

To Sum Up

Prospects that find their way on your LinkedIn company page should be inclined to learn more about your brand and staff. This is a perfect venue for developing confidence with prospects. You will look more credible if you are consistent with content, get staff members to produce material, and streamline your page. See this post to learn more on expanding your page with quality followers. 

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