Five Psychological Hacks to Write Emails That Get Results

"Five Psychological Hacks to Write Emails That Get Results"

When it comes to email marketing, understanding psychological tactics can significantly enhance engagement with your subscribers. This blog post might reveal five key strategies any marketer can utilize to excel at their job, potentially leading to a significant improvement in your campaigns. Consider how the White House team under Barack Obama doubled their five-star reviews and broke records for donations by implementing these approaches. Imagine downloading a guide or an ebook on email marketing, offering insights from a cognitive neuroscientist who worked with the Department of Veterans Affairs. These methods could increase your signups for a veteran benefit scheme, emphasizing the endowment effect—a bias where people value items more if they own them. Highlighting how eligible veterans can sign up and earn their benefits can have a profound impact. Listening to a podcast like Nudge or conducting email tests with your newsletter subscribers can reveal effective campaign tactics.

Related: Email List Services

"Five Psychological Hacks to Write Emails That Get Results"

A Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing

To execute and measure a successful email marketing campaign, it’s crucial to focus on growing your email list and staying CAN-SPAM compliant. Implementing email automation and segmenting your audience can transform your outreach efforts. By offering a free guide, subscribers can learn the fundamentals of effective email campaigns.

Related: Cold Email Campaign 

Show Readers What They’re Missing

According to Nobel prize-winning behavioral scientists like Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, loss aversion—the idea that losses are more painful than equivalent gains—can be leveraged in marketing. Applying this to emails, you can tweak the subject line to create a sense of urgency or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). For instance, subtly announcing a new episode by asking readers to listen before it’s too late can significantly increase both open and click rates.

People Follow the Crowd

Humans tend to follow the masses, whether picking a popular dish or watching a blockbuster movie. This psychological bias, known as social proof, can be utilized in emails. An experiment with subject lines that promote a popular show or episode can double your downloads and listen-to rates, subsequently improving the open rate and click rate.

Praise Loyal Subscribers

The consistency principle suggests that people like to stick to their past behaviors. By simply reminding your loyal subscribers how they’ve supported you, you can review their engagement and encourage them to stay consistent. This hypothesis was tested and resulted in a higher open rate and click rate, even doubling the latter in some cases.

Showcase Scarcity

Leveraging scarcity in your emails can create a sense of urgency. Think about how scarce resources like concert tickets sell out in seconds. Researchers tested this concept in a cafe by observing behavior around cookies in a full jar versus a near-empty one. The near-empty jar led to more purchases. In your email marketing, offering subscribers exclusive, time-limited, free access to a marketing course can tap into this powerful tactic. This scarcity variant has been shown to yield a higher open rate.

Spark Curiosity

Take a page from the 2012 Barack Obama campaign team’s playbook to spark curiosity. They used odd subject lines like “Hey” to raise funds effectively. This piqued curiosity, making people wonder about the email, leading to more donations. Using the curiosity gap in your emails—creating a sense of mystery—can nudge your audience to open and engage with your content. Running a/b tests can help refine these approaches, offering cost-free insights into what works best. Try these tips to see an immediate improvement in your email campaigns.


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