Learning LinkedIn Outreach Modern Approaches for Great Prospecting

Learning LinkedIn Outreach

Although it is sometimes a neglected prospecting tool, LinkedIn Outreach is a gold mine for B2B salespeople looking for highly qualified prospects. Beyond the basic minimum in prospecting, using LinkedIn’s group and event facilities for content alongside Expandi’s automated tools can enable you. Here’s how you maximize LinkedIn presence using a range of sophisticated techniques.

Prospecting with friendly, highly targeted LinkedIn Outreach

LinkedIn offers multiple ways to locate and interact with probable leads. By use of Expandi’s automation capabilities and filtering buyer intent, you may help to simplify your outreach and produce better results.

Sales Navigator’s Filter Buyer Intent

Goal of Filters’ Purchasers Using Sales Navigator LinkedIn creates a “Buyer Intent” lead filter to find candidates most likely to engage with your approach. Using interactions with ads, likes, InMails, and profile views, this filter ranks leading depending on Once you have a list of very focused prospects, automatically reach out with Expandi. Expanding allows you to import your Sales Navigator lead lists straight as a CSV file or utilize the saved search URL for automatic prospecting.

Try aiming for email readers not reacting.

If you emailed prospects without getting back-off, LinkedIn messaging could be the secret to drawing them in. Organize your data into a CSV file with LinkedIn link, first name, last name, email address. Upload this file to the “Post Engagement” search option available at Expanding. Expanding once uploaded will clean the list and get it ready for dissemination.

Attend LinkedIn events and scrape participants.

LinkedIn events are a fantastic tool for spotting candidates in your industry. Get yourself registered; find pertinent events using keyword searches. Then use Expandi’s “Event search,” harvest attendance information and choose profiles that fit your ideal customer profile (ICP). Start scraping by simply entering the LinkedIn event search URL into Expandi.

Talk to People Who Viewed LinkedIn Posts

Prospects interacting with your LinkedIn posts or those of rivals and influencers are most likely warm leads. Expanding your advanced search on “Post engagement” on Expandi lets you copy a public LinkedIn post URL and get a list of people that clicked through. One might apply this list in focused outreach.

Scrape members of the LinkedIn Groups.

LinkedIn groups let one quite successfully find active potential clients. Once you have identified the pertinent companies, utilize Expanding to sweep their members and filter the results according to your ICP. Including the LinkedIn URL into Expanding’s “Group search,” ensure you join the group you wish to scrape and reproduce.

From rival LinkedIn Pages, get first-degree contacts.

Look for influential people and gain first-degree contacts from LinkedIn profiles of your competitorsChoose “1st” connections using LinkedIn’s “People” filter; next, copy and paste this LinkedIn search URL into Expandi’s “Basic search” to prospect these contacts.

Ask simple, direct inquiries.

List clearly your target market and messaging requirements. For some names, titles, and interests, for example, ask for two separate first-touch messages—within 400 characters. This helps produce suitable and diverse outreach messages.

Clearly indicate exclusions.

Tell your messages very precisely what you should avoid. Tell ChatGPT, for instance, to generate a 500-character LinkedIn follow-up message thereby avoiding a strong tone and ensuring it finishes with a question-like CTA.

3. Video Personalizing: Messages

Including movies into LinkedIn’s activities will greatly increase response rates. Two times more responses from Expanding’s LinkedIn videos than from those without videos.

How may public access benefit from video?

Videos bring a personal touch not possible with words alone. You may provide links, GIFs (without music), or outside full-length videos here. These instructions assist you to optimize videos:

Keep it underlined brief.Stressing value delivery and reason for why someone should contact you, limit movies to less than a minute. 

Customise using the recipient’s name and back-reference your website.

Perusing Through

Although LinkedIn outreach can be challenging, with the correct tools and techniques you can successfully engage very powerful leads. Expanding offers ideal tools for automating and enhancing your LinkedIn prospecting operations. Start with a 7-day free trial and consider how Expanding could increase your LinkedIn activity.

Linkedin Services

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